Terry Pratchett
Commander Vimes is one of my favourite characters on the Discworld, and seeing him in the role of doting dad is adorable and very nearly outshines the case Vimes find himself dealing with, which is the most politically-prickly he's ever had to deal with.
Trolls and dwarves have been sworn enemies longer than anyone can remember, and, according to both sides, for good reason (not quite the same reason, naturally). Now, things are stirring on both sides that could see a legend re-enacted in Vimes' own city, which could seriously interrupt the Commander's busy schedule. He begins an investigation, which meanders in seemingly random directions, the way the best cases do.
Something that struck me that was different about this D/W story was that there are a lot of memories from past books. It seemed a lot more personal, knowing the details of past events mentioned by the aging Watchmen. I like the idea of characters evolving and changing along with the city they patrol, although it did make me wonder about who is going to retire first.
Date Finished: 25/03/07
Year Total: 9
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