'Dr Ian Browne'
What is Dan Brown afraid of? Uh, probably nothing. But he should be.
Parodies of books rarely follow the original very closely - they caricature the main characters, and then wander off on a tangent of their own, but this one didn't. This one is so close that you could quite easily read it without having read the Da Vinci Code first. The characters are just as annoying and transparent, the action and mystery just as convoluted and ridiculous. Even the author is a thinly-veiled parody, which just made the book seem even funnier - it gives the entire thing the same edgy hysteria as jumping on sofas on national television does.
That said, I don't think I got the answers to the riddles at the back of the book (there was nothing mentioned at the beginning about a quiz!), although the contest is closed by now anyway. I did wonder if the contest itself was part of the parody, but I guess it doesn't matter.
A quick read, I found it hilarious.
Date Finished: 01/05/07
Year Total: 12
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