Sunday, April 13, 2008

American Gods

Neil Gaiman

Shadow is being released from prison a few days early. Not because of good behaviour, but because his wife, the one person he has in the world, has been killed. At a loss, Shadow takes up a job offer from a mysterious man, and embarks on the strangest of journeys, meeting the strangest of people.

There is a storm coming, a battle between old and new, and Shadow - big, quiet Shadow - has found himself in the middle of it. Haunted by his wife, and of the promise made to serve Wednesday, he travels all over America.

This is a riveting book. Gaiman weaves a story so far-reaching and enthralling that it becomes a compulsion to read. The characters are old, if not all familiar. and each revelation is unexpected. I admit, I was completely taken by surprise at the big climax, and the pages that followed were a good warm-down. Once again, Gaiman has given me another reason to start collecting his books, as I get the feeling this is one that will be even better the second time around.

Date finished: 10/04/08
Year total: 13

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