Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Well of Lost Plots

Jasper Fforde
ISBN 0-340-82596-0

The third in the Thursday Next series. I wish I hadn't left it so long between readings, as these books carry on as one continuous story. That said, it was easy to pick up the threads once more, and get into the swing of things.

Thursday, hiding from Goliath Corporation, has taken up residence in a book in the Well of Lost Plots while studying to become a Jurisfiction agent and figure out how to remember her husband while a mindworm plays havoc with her memories.

On top of that, there is a major upgrade to the world of books approaching, and agents are suddenly dying in horribly suspicious circumstances, the book Thursday is living in is in danger of being demolished, and her dodo is nesting on the sofa.

Confusing, hilarious and wildly entertaining, I cannot recommend these books enough - if you love a little silliness, and can accept some upside-down ideas, you'll love this serious.

Date finished: 17/10/07
Year Total: 34

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